
Before and after website refresh PR firm

Donna of DH Communications had a typical female entreprenuer tech problem: A friend of a friend had a “tech guy” put together a site for her when she launched her PR business last year.  Well-meaning, to be sure, but it’s typical of ‘tech guy’ websites.

It took nearly a minute to load. In internet-land, that’s like 100 hours. It had almost no branding. Content was all on one page with no focus areas for the potential client to find what they needed. Photos were small and sandwiched between text blocks.

Donna didn’t know what was wrong with the site’s slowness, how to fix it, or even how much something like that might cost.

Enter Ann. As a designer and a web developer, but most importantly a marketing technology training coach, Ann helped Donna by redesigning her website.

Donna didn’t have a huge budget, but using stock photos she’d already had (as teeny pictures) on her old site, and a few hours of work, Ann refreshed Donna’s site, including optimizing for a less-than-10-second load time. She also trained Donna to edit her own site, provided important optimization tips such as having dedicated pages for each of her content service areas.

A 1000% improvement in an affordable budget on a short timeframe. Donna can focus on what she does best – deliver award-winning PR and crisis communication services to her clients. She’s not relying on ‘the tech guy’ to get things done.

Ann loaded a brand new theme on her WordPress platform, used Donna’s own content to update the site, provided a list of new content and pages to create and trained Donna to manage her own website.


Donna is now in control of her own marketing tech!

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