Retail is More Than Just Commerce

Retailers – whether brick-and-mortar or brick-and-click or solely e-commerce need a comprehensive plan to gather in new customers, delight them both online and in store and nurture a relationship with them so they return again and again.

How can retailers boost sales without spending a crazy amount of money on hard-to-track advertising vehicles such as billboards, radio and coupon advertising? The secret sauce is content.


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Wholesalers, Distributors and Product Inventors

We work with retail that’s more than the usual commerce store. Whether you’re an innovator with a unique product or service, a manufacturer, a wholesaler or a distributor, the act of commerce in a digital era has changed. We can help show you the way.

Select client examples (click on the client name to view)

Puberty Curriculum

Touchstone Distributing and Touchstone Pottery

Christine Jonson Patterns

Retailers need more than just commerce sites

Retailers need a marketing strategy built around complete customer engagement. Our clients start with our Marketing Process and end up with a marketing program that attracts, converts, engages and delights customers. Along the way, we work with them to develop e-commerce web sites, marketing automation tools and plans designed around their budget and their skill set. We manage social media marketing, customer service and web assets for retailers that sell worldwide. Is your marketing working well for you? How are you performing against competitors? Is there a less expensive, more flexible platform upon which to build your retail empire? A Marketing Performance Assessment will give you actionable plans to follow.



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