We love entrepreneurs! We love working with women as they concept, build and grow their businesses. Whether you’re just starting out, expanding your online web site and digital marketing, Ann is an expert in marketing + tech. We love working with mompreneurs!

Ann’s been running a business for 32 years! And she knows what women entrepreneurs need – from startup to growth stage companies. She’s served as an international startup coach in emerging markets projects, launching companies in developing markets in eastern Europe, she’s worked with entrepreneurs right at home in Michigan. Ann is tech savvy with decades of expertise in websites, web technology, digital marketing and all that marketing tech you’ll need to run a business.

She won’t mansplain you either.

Website platform selection. What type of website, what platform should you select? WordPress? SquareSpace? Wix? Shopify? Oh my! There are usually pretty clear paths to the right platform once you start looking at what you want to DO with your business long term. Ann will help you discern the right platform and maximize your budget

Website development – everything from a basic site to a complex subscription-and-product commerce site, membership sites, podcast sites (with and without products) – Ann’s done it all and she’s GREAT at helping you get the right platform to grow into.

Marketing Tech – Email marketing, CRM systems, digital ad platforms – it’s all so confusing at times and there are literally 10,000 or more options for these things. Which one’s best? There’s no right answer, only a best-fit answer and Ann can help guide you through the jungle of mar-tech to find the right solutions.

  • Blog strategy, writing workshops and training on blogging systems like WordPress and SquareSpace
  • Podcast website setup/vlog video blog website setup & connection of your podcast and vlogs
  • Content marketing strategy and content development training, including infographic & social media design training for non-designers
  • Integrated marketing technology connecting multiple platforms such as e-mail platforms, blogging, website, commerce, membership and event apps and databases.
  • Web site co-development and comprehensive user-level training using platforms such as WordPress,  SquareSpace, WIX, Big Commerce.
  • Social Media strategy, platform consulting and content training using Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube and Linkedin.

From creative ideas to merchandise, package and sell your products and services, to complex tech development, Ann is incredibly generous with ideas and advice. Clients succeed in ways they never thought possible when they work with Ann.

Want to know more? Our first 30 minutes together is free! Fill out the form below, or call or text Ann at 517-402-8500 or email her here.

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