Focus on Target Market Segments — a Portfolio Approach

Agreement on the organization’s objectives and vision is the pre-cursor to a great marketing plan — one that is aligned with target markets and cascades actions and tactics that each contribute towards achievement of the overall objectives.

Using the research data and resulting insights, Marketing Acuity helps organizations select and focus their resources on the market segments that are both attractive and with which the organization can be successful.

As Soichiro Honda (yes, that Honda) so eloquently said:

“There is a Japanese proverb that literally goes ‘Raise the sail with your stronger hand,’
meaning you must go after the opportunities that arise in life that you are best equipped to do.”

Marketing Acuity works with organizations’ executive and planning teams to analyze the information available and make strategic decisions about which markets to serve – in essence, a portfolio approach. We work to develop strategy statements about each marketing segment and to cascade that into the strategies across categories such as pricing, product development, sales, promotions, and social media. Insights developed in earlier phases also contribute to the brand, positioning, and value proposition that are uniquely tailored to speak to and resonate with each individual target market segment.

SMART Marketing Goals Template CTA

Branding – Brand Strategy and Positioning

In its simplest form, branding strategy is about closing the gap between what you want the market to think about your product (your desired brand identity) and what they actually think about your product (brand image).


Marketing Acuity helps organizations with all three pieces in the equation — research to determine the perceived brand image; crafting the desired brand identity based on insight; and developing the branding strategy to close the gap. Our writing team can help create or update unique, compelling and believeable brand pillars and positioning messages that connect to target markets through strategies and tactics. With award winning designers on staff, Marketing Acuity provides a complete branding solution in the form of logo and visual identity development (colors, look and feel).

Social Media Strategy

As social media matures as a marketing, customer service and product innovation communications channel, organizations are increasingly looking to translate “Likes” and “Follows” into dollars.

Marketing Acuity helps organizations establish strategies, objectives, and metrics for social media, whether it’s building a brand, promoting career opportunities, or launching new products. We work with our clients to ensure that the social media strategy and tactics are “on message” and contribute to the overall marketing and brand strategy — essential to overall Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). Marketing Acuity manages social media presences for numerous clients.

Product Development and Innovation Strategy

Using insight developed through customer, competitor and market research, Marketing Acuity helps organizations develop or update their product innovation strategy, sometimes called a product innovation charter or product / technology roadmap.

Product innovation strategies may be developed in conjunction with new or revised market strategy, or as a separate, and integrated, track. Marketing Acuity also helps companies evaluate their product portfolios based on advanced portfolio analysis and management technology.


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