MIBFN’s Statewide Advocacy Hub

The Michigan Breastfeeding Network’s web site serves as their hub of information and advocacy across the state. The organization’s mission is to boost the rate and duration of breastfeeding among Michigan mothers. They have an army of local volunteer coalitions that they support with information, assistance and education.

Flexible, Powerful and Scalable

The Michigan Breastfeeding Network’s new website is based on the popular and powerful WordPress development platform. The MIBFN’s previous site (also developed by Marketing Acuity’s founder Ann Siegle) was in Drupal, which was more challenging to use and maintain. Upgrading to WordPress enabled MIBFN staff to take control of content and add features with more ease. Developing the second or third generation of sites across nearly a decade of partnership is one of the things we are most proud of. Tech changes, but the partnership and commitment to the client’s mission does not.

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