There has NEVER been a better time to build an online craft sewing & knitting pattern business, to expand your business and to build your marketing capacity.

Your customers are AT HOME with nothing to do. Sewing & knitting patterns are very affordable ‘luxuries’ that let customers use their stash to calm anxiety, and create hope. Yes. Hope. That is what you sell. Own this time!

Your customers are spending CRAZY amounts of time on FACEBOOK (sorry, Instagrammers, traffic and engagement is down by comparison right now) and they are reading their e-mail and purchasing online. If you haven’t done these things yet, it’s time:

  • Build and grow a Facebook group based on your brand
  • Started / hosted an online sew-along
  • Deployed a lead-capture offer (a worksheet, downloadable, planner, etc.) that captures your customer’s e-mail address
  • Developed a regular content development program
  • Developed a regular e-mail marketing program
  • Developed a regular online (Facebook) live video schedule
  • Showed your customer how to work with print-at-home patterns

I’m Ann. I specialize in training entrepreneurs to accelerate their marketing through expert coaching. I’m a startup coach with international experience working with lifestyle and craft brands, including sewing pattern designers. I help designers grow their businesses.  From pricing strategy, product and website review to how-to for the tricky things like lead conversions, SEO and video. And you get a lot of coaching and support along the way to success. I sew, knit and craft, so I am in a unique position to understand your business.

Want to know what is possible? How about 25-50% growth in your business year over year. How about 150% more revenue after just a few coaching sessions?

Let’s work together! Sign up for our FREE one-hour planning session. We’ll generate as many ideas as we can in one hour, completely tailored to your business. It’s totally free and worth your time. Join me on a virtual chat and sharpen your business & marketing planning!

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