Transform Your Company With Inbound

What if all of your online activities were aligned to create not just traffic, but leads? What if your business tripled the number visitors to your web site and hit a 22% conversion goal per month?  Inbound marketing is a revolutionary way to boost your business.

It’s affordable.

Money is tight and we understand that! Inbound leads cost 61% less than outbound. Using tools such as blogs or social media provide free ways to market your business. Inbound marketing allows companies to produce content that is within their budget. The majority of people search for products and services on the internet and inbound strategies are created so you fit their internet search. Inbound marketing enables large or small companies to compete for buyer attention- giving all businesses an equal chance for success.

Inbound attracts leads.

When you use inbound marketing, customers come to you. Studies show that 54% more leads are generated by inbound than outbound. The inbound methodology, provided by Hubspot, are as follows:

  • Attract strangers through blogs, keywords, and social media.
  • Convert visitors with forms, call-to-actions, and landing pages.
  • Close leads with emails, signals, and workflows.
  • Lastly delight and turn your customers into promoters for the future.

Hubspot Inbound Marketing Marketing Acuity

The more content you add to your site, the more potential you have to attract leads. By having a surplus of content to work with, you have a greater ability to convert customers. One way to convert a lead is by providing call-to-action and landing page buttons within your content. Old techniques like cold calling are not reaching a modern, savvy audience.

Set goals and measure your work seamlessly.

Through website analytics, you can set goals to see if set objectives have been met. By setting daily, weekly, monthly, and annual goals, you will always be organized and prepared. It’s important to focus on your results; when using inbound you can easily look at who is visiting your site, what they’re doing, and assess whether they’re ready for a sales contact.

We highly recommend that your business should take advantage of inbound marketing. It is affordable, enables you to attract new leads, and allows you to set goals and measure your efforts. Potential customers are searching  – help them find you by using inbound marketing.

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