Web and Marketing Combine for a Powerful Combination

Touchstone Distributing went looking for a web site, and they found the powerful combination proposed by Marketing Acuity to not only build the site but build an integrated inbound marketing program irresistible. The program will help grow Touchstone Distributing’s wholesale AND retail businesses.

Touchstone Distributing Portfolio Marketing AcuityTouchstone Distributing touches hard-to-reach new prospects with a combination of smart strategy, new technology, targeted content all backed by solid customer research.

Web and Marketing Becomes a Seamless Combination

Marketing Acuity developed a new wholesale web site for Touchstone Distributing’s three major product brands using the flexible SquareSpace commerce + site platform. The organization now uses the inbound marketing platform JumpLead to manage inbound marketing and lead generation. The combination of web + marketing works far better than just developing a stand-alone web site. Take a closer look at their website here.

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