Face everything - getting your business online fast, website trainer, wordpress trainer squarespace developer

Business crisis: face everything and rise

False Evidence Appearing Real or Face Everything And Rise. Either way, it spells FEAR. How to quickly mitigate the lockdown orders for your business, transition to online and create a future revenue stream that will serve your business past crisis We are IN this, friends. We’re in it. It’s like nothing any of us have ever experienced.  Mood waffles between panic and calm, between “do all the things” and sit on the couch, binge Netflix and eat popcorn. Our kids…

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Why online businesses should invest in live streaming

Streaming video is projected to grow at 30% a year for the next 5 years. Small businesses have already been taking advantage of this growth by producing live video content. Live streaming on social media has leveled the playing field for marketers, allowing them to reach huge audiences. This can be a tremendous advantage for small businesses because if done right, your content can cut through the noise of all the other posts and videos online. A local business has resonance…

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Put your business online FAST

Getting your business online in a hurry, part two

Blog roundup of WordPress, SquareSpace, PayPal and social media tips to get your business selling online, fast These are trying times, so every day, we’ll publish more free or low cost ideas to get your business online for what looks like an extended stay. Some are from existing blog posts For everyone: Change your website headers Change your social media plans Focus on how you can help your clients get through this, personally, professionally, emotionally Be helpful, be human Go…

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Get your business online fast

Get your business online in a hurry!

Platforms, tech and creative ideas to build your brick and mortar art + sewing + craft business online store If you’ve been putting off that online store, you’re realizing that being online is a really smart idea. In the best of times, it creates a second channel, open 24/7 that anyone, anywhere can access. But the onerous task of tallying inventory, taking photos and managing a digital + physical store is probably what made you avoid it in the first…

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How to put your conference online using WordPress

How to move your conference online quickly: tools, tech, plan for associations and conferences

Tools, tech, plan for associations and conferences that need to get online, and FAST Hosting a conference this spring and early summer? Worried about what you’re going to do now that everyone is quarantined? You have great options that can not only get you back in business, but will add increased revenue for your association for years to come. You’ll need three things: A dedicated membership system on your website that allows for your members to log in to access…

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Building quarantine resilience in your online, brick & click businesses

Pandemic-proof your business online, and switch up trade shows and in-person events It’s here. We’re already going virtual in our community. 17 fast tips to get your business online and maximize connection with your customers at this challenging time. Online retailers: You’ll weather this much easier!  But you can also maximize people staying home by ramping up your social efforts. Building community and connectedness online in groups, videos and online courses is the way to both serve your customer and…

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How to light your products for Instagram

How to light your products for Instagram

Using social media to promote your products is growing more essential each and every day.  It’d be a fair question to ask yourself, how is my display of products better than anyone else’s? If you’re looking to stand out, you need to learn to light your products for Instagram. While product color, the background of your image, and even the quality of your camera all play vital roles in the relative attractiveness of your photos – lighting is even more…

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What size business is right for you?

 Can you grow without growing big? Entrepreneurial definitions of success are not one-size-fits-all, contrary to popular belief. Pick up any business magazine and note headlines touting the “grow big” philosophy. The popular business model is the startup with a lot of debt, creative office space with foosball tables, and a bunch of recent graduates running around in hoodies. The more typical small business operates a single location, with the owner at the helm. Growth is bootstrapped using credit cards, business…

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11 Things Every Successful Blog Post Needs to Have

Blog posts are the backbone of many online websites and the primary source of content when people are searching for information on the web. There can be many different factors that make up a blog post, but if you follow our checklist, there’s a much higher chance you’ll compose a successful blog post. 1. The most important component of any blog post is the content itself. Which is why our first tip being that blog posts should never be about…

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