Supporting Small Businesses: How I Support Businesses in my town and other small towns

I’ve long made it a mission to support small businesses in my community and the February edition of that is the first time I’ve made a conscious effort to document that. Let’s see how I did: My kids both needed running shoes – one for winter running club (and he wants to run track?) The other one needs it for general fitness for her sport. So I hopped over to Playmakers, a local running store and spent over an hour…

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Lead Generation by marketing Acuity

The difference between search advertising and display advertising (Google v. Meta)

Recently, more clients have wanted to use advertising to promote their businesses. And there’s confusion over what kind of advertising they should do. In simple terms, there are two models – search advertising (on Google, exclusively) and display advertising (everything else, from Instagram to YouTube.) I’ll explain the difference between search advertising and display advertising (Google v. Meta.) Search advertising is exactly what it sounds like. You buy ads on Google’s search engine so when people search for that specific…

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Bobbi Kilty Marketing Acuity Portfolio

I just need a basic website, what does a basic website cost?

I get this question asked in a couple of online groups at least once per week (maybe more), so I thought I’d answer it in a blog post. What does a basic website cost? Basic would be described as an informational site – a home page, a services page, a contact page – this kind of basic is very basic and it’s very affordable – and even DIY-able if you have a few tech skills and aren’t afraid of diving…

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Super simple registration system for online dog training classes

Super simple registration system for services for WordPress

Do you want a super simple five-minute registration setup for one event or a few events? Ann recently deployed a super simple system using one professional version of a popular and well-developed WordPress plugin WP Forms for a dog training company in Lansing, MI. Janet Smith Dog Training – Janet (a well-known and well loved dog trainer in Lansing) needed a super simple registration system for her WordPress site. Janet wanted it to be easy for her to administer and…

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End of year business planning

End of year business planning the FUN way

I recommend that you take a day off to get out in nature and dream about what you want your business to be this holiday/new year. What Would Your Life Look Like IF: WWYLLLI (wiley) is a great way to jumpstart the thought process. I want you to think beyond your business growth and think about how it impacts your life (both positively and negatively).  In fact, I might argue growth isn’t what you want. Hang with me here.  WWYLLLI…

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Holiday Gift Tags FREE Printable

I love to create handmade gifts – in years past I would bake cookies for clients! While I don’t do that any more (allergies and really, an overproduction of holiday treats at this time of year), I do still love to gift something small that people can use. I created these holiday gift tag free printable to use for my own gifts, and to share with clients. All that you will need is thicker card-stock paper (available at your local…

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Entrepreneur's guide to business journaling

The entrepreneur’s guide to journaling

As an entrepreneur, do you journal? Whether you choose personal or professional journaling, or a hybrid, here’s the entrepreneur’s guide to journaling. I’ve journaled for over forty years. In the beginning, it was Dear Diary with big loopy letters, for a long time, it was narrow scratch with intensity as I built the business I thought I wanted. Then, journaling became the respite FROM the business. Now, as a hybrid, I both journal for business and personal (although not in…

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Word Press tutorials for Marketing Acuity Clients

How to WordPress Tutorials on YouTube

I have a small collection of how-to WordPress tutorials on YouTube. I’m about to split of my YouTube channel into marketing/web and sewing / craft. Why? Because my sewing/craft reviews and tutorials get WAY more views than my marketing/web ones and as I am growing my channel to monetarization status, I need to move these videos on to another channel. I primarily use those for client reference, for after online training. These are basic WordPress tutorials, suitable for the new…

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A love letter to my clients

I have the best job in the world! I get to work with YOU!

I have the best job in the world. I get to work with YOU! And I’m speaking directly to “you” – the clients that I have (primarily) but also the clients like them that I don’t yet have. Let me explain, I’ve spent 30+ years as a graphic and web designer/developer and marketer. I owned a marketing agency for decades. I own a web design agency and two e-commerce businesses now, and I love my job. Love it. This is…

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