Championship Regatta Graphics started from Ann and George Siegle’s love for sailing and sailboat racing. The Siegle’s have been sailing far longer than they’ve been in marketing and high tech, so it made sense to combine the two. Sailing regattas from around the world have a need to identify competitors (amongst other boats that might also be on the water at the same time), to recognize sponsors of their event, and to market their events. CRG provides bow numbers, hull sponsor stickers, banners, event signage, yacht club burgees, parking stickers, event souvenir stickers, gear labels and more. Plus, CRG also produces Michigan MC number stickers, helping boat owners across Michigan (and now across the country) with their easy-peel and state-compliant stickers. The CRG website is built in WordPress, features intake forms directly into Hubspot CRM (built on and embedded into), and uses the sales CRM to manage client contacts and orders. It’s really a slick system that allows George and Ann to collaborate with each other on CRG orders when they aren’t always in the same space. The intake form built in Hubspot brings the contact’s requeste directly into both inbox and Hubspot for shared tracking and tracking of replies to the emails when Ann handles back office billing and order support and George handles quoting and production.