The Detroit College Access Network, a local affiliate of the larger Michigan College Access Network is a not-for-profit organization that works with industry partners, schools, guidance counselors and others to promote, encourage and support students to learn how to level up for and apply for college. Getting into college, for many students, is uncharted territory. They may be the first in their family to ever apply to college and they might not even know how to apply. DCAN works with all of the surrounding support organizations that help students GET to college, by hosting events, providing guidance counselors with resources to help students. DCAN supports the entire getting into college ecosystem with their work.

DCAN needed a new web presence, but they had one important consideration: they wanted to maintain use of WIX, their current platform, since they already knew how it worked. Over the project, the Marketing Acuity team designed and trained the DCAN team (through two major staff changes) to update and design a new site on the same platform for DCAN. Marketing Acuity also recommended DCAN’s switch to ConstantContact email marketing for better deliverability over WIX’s more limited services.

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