Using sales analytics data to customize retail pop up experiences

If you run an e-commerce business, you have enough data right now to do a local popup  experience with a retailer or on your own. What is the key to a successful local experience? Knowing where your customers are, what they buy and how to reach them. Armed with this data, you can tailor a local experience for your online customers, and work with either a local retailer partner, or host your own pop up experience. What is a pop up…

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How to Photograph Products for your E-Commerce Website

E-Commerce is on a roll right now. With COVID-19 cases on the upswing and no definite end in sight, many businesses – both small and large – are turning to online shops to sell their products. A lot of big companies have the budget to rent out studio space and pay a professional photographer in order to make their products look as appealing as possible. Small businesses might feel that they lack the resources to have outstanding product photography. We’re…

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How to convert Instagram followers to your landing page

A guide for creative designers & health and wellness coaches You have an amazing Instagram presence. Your feed is visually cohesive, your stories are fun and engaging. But you’re not converting people to your website where they can buy from you! Without conversions, your Instagram account is simply providing free entertainment – and you’re burning out with the content-creation work. That’s no fun, and it isn’t growing your business.  Converting Instagram followers to your landing page is both about the underpinning…

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How to create an offer for a high performing blog post to increase conversions

I attended a lengthy session at an international conference put on by a well-known speaker who spent 1.5 hours telling us all the technical ins and outs of content optimization using various metrics and tactics. His entire program can be boiled down to this: create offers designed for and matched to your MOST SEARCHED pieces of content.  Not to take away the amazing data-driven presentation, blasted through 90 slides in a room of 300 people (it was great), but most entrepreneurs…

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Hubspot vs. Constant Contact: Which service provides the better deliverability? Version 2.0

Several months ago, we carried out a study by examining the email deliverability of two very popular email services; HubSpot and Constant Contact. You can read that blog here where we broke down the data we found and what pros and cons each program offers. Fast forward a few months and we are now presenting you with updated data from our study where we sent numerous emails using both services and can now provide even more accurate data. Here is the…

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The Tech Secret of Email Deliverability: DMARC, SPF and DKIM

Improve email deliverability to your customers by adjusting your DKIM and SPF records at your Domain  and hosting providers. The tech secret of email deliverability is that a few settings can dramatically improve your chances of your email landing into your customer’s inbox. 2024 update: Google’s Gmail will require your business have DMARC (not just DKIM and SPF) in place to deliver email to your customer’s inboxes who have gmail addresses. This is huge! Two (fairly simple but slightly scary…

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Small Business Guide to Video Marketing: Streaming Basics

Creating a streamable video channel for your business We all love video. Every one of us has spent time streaming content from Netflix, Amazon and YouTube. Creating entertaining, informative, streamable content for your small business is not only easier but also more important than ever before. Our small business guide to video marketing is designed to teach you the basics so you can learn to set up your own streaming channel on YouTube. From giving your customers content to absorb…

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What is a go to market plan and why does your business need one?

A go-to-market plan is a plan for the first 3-12 months of any new business or new product launch. Simply put, it’s the high level financial and business planning tool that keeps your eye on the things you need to do to successfully launch your new product or business. It is not the “launch plan” that you see online consultants pitching you in Instagram. That is focused entirely on marketing and social media. While this is a component of a…

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3 types of content you can create to connect more with your customers

Three types of story-based content that you can develop now to inspire, motivate and connect with your customers to increase sales. Educational, inspirational and personal (experience-based) content. And as a bonus, we add a fourth, data-based insight content!  Educational content (that you can’t Google) If you’ve done a Google search lately, the results, shown right in the Google search engine result page (SERP), are taking over. The “Alexification” of search – smart speakers speaking your result – is taking a…

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