Are blogs even valid in a world with AI content?

In a world with AI generated images and written content, are blogs even valid?

In a world with AI generated images and written content, are blogs even valid? The consensus among marketers in a select audience of high level marketers is that yes, there’s still room for blogs…for a while. We all know that Google has long harvested content to put as the top search result. AI will only deepen this because AI searches content –  yours, mine, everyone’s, produces a document and Google finds this and indexes it. Right now, it’s demoting that…

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How to become an authentic entrepreneur

How to be an authentic entrepreneur

Becoming an authentic entrepreneur is something that took me almost 3 decades in business to focus on. I spent decades chasing projects that were not suited for me, in the effort to measure up to society’s ideal business success model. Maybe you’re here too! Let’s dive into being an authentic entrepreneur and three key lessons you have to ask yourself. Authentic entrepreneur or authentic entrepreneurship is focusing on what you’re good at and where you can help others. A sweet…

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Lakeridge Human Services Website Detroit

Websites, websites, training and more websites!

What am I working on this summer? Your website! At first I typed webstie and that sounds like bestie website and I’m going with it. I’m working on your webstie, bestie! It’s been a busy summer of websites. I relaunched Touchstone Distributing, a DeWitt, MI based manufacturer of high quality ceramic interpretive jewelry and pendants. I first designed the Touchstone websites back in 2015, and Paul, the owner is back, with two new people – husband and wife Amy and…

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#LazyGirlJob: setback for women in the workforce

“Lazy Girl Job” – the new Millennial mantra or a setback for women in the workforce

You’ve heard of the “Lazy Girl Job” phenomenon on Tik Tok? Women (young) who have done an about face on the Lean In movement and said “you know what? I’ll take a 9-5 job and have a life too”. Why I hate this Lazy Girl Job motto: It’s simply that it’s not lazy to work a 9-5 job and get paid for it. It’s not. In my 20s I was working 9-6 or 9-9 or 9-whenever and I never got…

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how to generate content for your blog when you have writer's block

Is artificial intelligence (AI) the answer for content creation?

Clients are asking me over and over “is AI the answer for content creation?” “What about Chat GPT?” And I’ll say yes and no. In the short run, if you struggle to create a draft of anything that resembles good content, yes, it’s a starting point. Many clients don’t have the time or the skillset, not to mention the love, of writing long form content. Google rewards long form content (presently) because it’s seen as “more authentic”. With AI though,…

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As a small business, should I stick with Twitter?

Twitter was just purchased and taken private by Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX, fmr. PayPal), and there have been a number of high profile problems at the network in the last week, clients are asking “as a small business should I stick with Twitter?” Our advice with Twitter has always been “is your audience on Twitter?” That holds true for any social network. Typically the audience for Twitter are going to be media, not-for-profit organizations. So if you’re working with those…

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Should you put a chatbox on your website?

How and why to deploy chat on your website

Do you want to know how and why to deploy chat on your website? If you sell products or services, having live chat on your website can be an EASY and effective way to engage customers right as they are on your website, and convert them to paying customers. We review some FREE chat tools that are easy to deploy. First off, should you offer chat? Chat is good if you know people will have questions about your product or…

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Using text apps for local businesses

Moving beyond Facebook and Instagram to text for your small business

Your users aren’t on Facebook anymore. But they are on text. Recently I was working with a client on her new website and she said “my clients aren’t on Facebook anymore, they want me to text them” and we opened up a conversation about the ways that people are connecting outside of social media. She’s right. In this blog post, I’ll cover text apps and content strategies for Michigan businesses. To start, before you begin texting, you need a minimum…

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Digital Relationship Prospecting is like gardening

How to do digital relationship prospecting to grow your business

Tech tools and techniques to reach out to prospective clients and build relationships: what I call digital relationship prospecting! Digital relationship prospecting in an age of short attention spans and social craziness requires some tech and some techniques. We were all forced into it during the pandemic, and for some businesses, this method shift helped them thrive. Your business can too! First off, what is digital relationship prospecting? It’s identifying places and people to cultivate relationships that might eventually lead…

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